Food is something we all indulge in, if with varying enthusiasm. However, no one can deny that food is very connected to our feelings, and it is so much more than just a necessity, it is something you indulge in because you want to be taken to a place of pleasure or peace. The idea for this cook book came to me when I listened to the intro music to Tim Burton’s film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It has this special intriguing feeling of something secret or very special. I kept listening to this song over and over as I designed this book and I wanted to make this into something more than just a cook book. I wanted to take people to this special place you often could find when playing and fantasizing as a child and being from Sweden, the choice of implementing the old Norse folklore came naturally for me. The tales of the creatures of the woods were a little scary but at the same time very intriguing because of the unknown.


Typographic Cookbook



12 weeks






That Secret Special Place